Welcome to the NEW AFTAL Blog!
AFTAL welcomes comments and information that helps the autograph collector.
We will not tolerate any and all attacks on any person or organization, as we feel this to not be beneficial to the autograph industry.
Every autograph has a story, share yours.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Your Collecting Stories

Have you got a good autograph collecting story? Share it here!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! We have recently been lucky enough to be asked to sell the following Jackson item which is now on eBay. READ more Michael Jackson wrote this story titled "Kids on Swings". It was penned by Michael Jackson when he visited the UK in 2006. It was written in black and blue pens on the back of letters and pictures of an Irish Georgian Castle...A note on the back of one of the pages reads: this castle is very beautiful on line, try and view it in colour: written in the hand of Grace Rwaramba, the children's nanny. "The story which includes 22 hand written A4 pages and approx 2000 words!" Horror Story written and penned by Michael Jackson


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