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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Peter Gillett's single 'I Began To Notice'

Original 1990 record and sleeve (12 inch RPM) for Peter Gillett's single 'I Began To Notice' which was co-written by the notorious Reg Kray (died 2000). The sleeve of the record has been hand signed by both Kray and Gillett.
Reg Kray has autographed the sleeve top left in black ink with the inscription 'god bless 1991' whilst Peter Gillett has signed in blue ink.



  1. These records have been kept safe since 1991 down in a chemist shop in Hythe Kent. Mike Eakins who owned Bold Reprieve invested a few quid into getting Reggie to sign them and he then took care of them for 21 years, until just before he died in 2012. Mike was the main Chemist in Hythe for years, just before he died he sold out to a major High Street chain, they kept good care of them for me until Mike's Funeral 4th October 2012. The new owners attended the funeral, I approached them saying last time I saw mike alive 2 weeks previous to the funeral, he told me of these records existence. He wanted me to have them, to compensate me, as the company had done a bad job of distributing them to the record shops when it was released in 1990. The new owner asked me to go to the shop there and then with one of his manager's and take them, as they were taking up valued space. It was only once I put them in the boot of the car, I realised their true value. Mike never mentioned they were all signed by Reggie Kray. There are only a limited amount. God Bless Pete gillett.

  2. I'd like to thank Sport and Star Autograph and Aftal for promoting these autographs on my behalf. God Bless them Pete Gillett.

  3. are they for sale ?

  4. If you can drop us an email at admin@aftal.org.uk i will be able to check for you.

    Many thanks


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